Food in Japan

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This post will be a yummy one, just because I'm going to show you some of the food we had in Japan!

Considering that we're not quite the foodie that Singaporeans tend to be, I'm rather proud that we covered a good spectrum of food while we were there: Sushi, Sashimi, Katsu Dons, Bentos (from convenience stores), cheap Sobas from JR Station's foodstalls, fast food, Ramen, Udon, Curry, lots of melon pans, and even Chinese food from their Chinatown! Yum yum!

The first picture is chopped up fresh fish together with vinegared rice, absolutely yummy! The other is the fresh Melon Pan we had at Asakusa. The other 2 pictures are of Chinese food, and don't be fooled man. They're actually some of the best food we had in Japan!

Interesting, we found a curry store at Harajuku with slightly different sort of curry rice. It tastes nothing like the usual Japanese curry, and was more like a burger patty that was mashed together, if that description makes sense. And my bf's favourite fries from Family Mart!

There's the cheap Soba we had at a foodstall at a JR station. They're pretty ok, a little salty, but nice and warming after a long day of travelling to the outskirts of Tokyo. There's also the traditional Japanese curry.

We had Yoshinoya, simply because their Yoshinoya is fab! Nothing like the ones in Singapore, rather sad. We also had grilled Salmon at Tsukiji market. Because it's Hanami season, we had a picnic under the Sakura trees with food purchased from bakeries and convenience stores. And where something very important happened to me :):) The last picture is of Char Siew Ramen we had at Yokohama Chinatown.

That's the very watery pork curry from that store in Harajuku. We also had fun frying our own Okonomiyaki, where my bf burned the expensive pork. Seriously, he thinks everything should be burnt :( We had Burger King, because it was a wet day, and BK was round the corner from the hotel. Conclusion, not fab at all. We also had tons of bento sets from the various convenience stores, especially on days where we travel outskirts, and get back to Tokyo only around 9pm.

And finally, the highlight of the trip! Five different types of Tuna over absolutely fragrant vinegared rice at Tsukiji Market! We queued for an hour in the bloody cold weather (it dropped to around 4 degrees with harsh winds that day), but thank god this is worth all the money (around S$26) and the weather!
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